The Net Youth Project provides staff and volunteers with many experiences, which can be celebrated, but also learned from. As a result of this learning we have enabled staff to address our specific approach to a model of practice, which relates directly to the young people we regularly engage with: our key stakeholders.

Our focus is centred upon the 'whole-person' approach; simply put, we are about the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development of young people. This is achieved, and is encapsulated by relationship; a respect of young people who are valued for who they are, and accepted where they are at. 

In our experience, young people refrain from engaging in youth provision because there, to varying degrees, is an expectation of instant conformity - to rules, standards or cultural norms which are imposed, rather than learned. Therefore, in our initial engagement we meet young people where they are at; whether in behaviour, language or baggage - they find acceptance. Such an approach may be foreign to a young person, and it may be time-consuming and energy-sapping for the significant adult. 

This process is vital to a young person finding acceptance in a positive community; if they don't find it here, we can be rest assured that it will be found in a less positive, less healthy environment.